Ross Williams GBR 83

Today was a big improvment for me as I had made some good changes to my set up ,putting in a softer fin gave me great speed and was pointing a lot higher. The racing is very hard and the standed is also very high so I am please with my racing today.

Arnon Dagan ISR-1.

Started the day with a very bad mood and when I have bad mood I allways win. So I win the firest race in front of Wojtek
but the busterds called me over early.
That made my mood even worst so I won the 2nd race and this time the bastards didn’t say nothing.
Later I was more relaxed so I finished 2 and 2 in the next 2 races. Came back to very good speed so I feel a littel beter.

Jona Ljungström – SWE876
The day started out NOT so promising with fog covering the lake. However, at noon the wind picked up as we are getting used to and four races with 11.0 was made. I totally messed up in the 11th race when my timer was set up ONE minute early. At least I got to win a start…

Andrea Cucchi ITA-1

Today the wind was constant and stronger than other days. speed and good starts were more important. Looks like my home spot is giving me a good chance to stay top 5…Come for a windsurfing holiday. Its great …

Jarek Miarczynski POL-127

It was really tough day for me and I made a lot of mistakes. In 3rd race I was over early with Wojtek and Steve, we made a mistake and we started like one minute before the signal. I hope tomorow will be better day for me and I manage to get back to top ten.

Pawel Hlavaty POL 124

The event is very hard for me. Very big fleet, top 20 guys are at highest world level in racing. Conditions are perfect and I am having great time. Despite my excellent speed and good starts I hardly make top ten. It’s perfect training for me.

Ewelina Majcherek Pol 227

After three days being ill I finally could sail on my biggest sail. At the first race I was feeling really good and almoust beatv slovenia girl- Katharina. But the wind was getting stronger and I had to take my smaller sail. Next races were not so bad, but it always could be better. Anyway, I am really glad for this day and I am still on 13 place. Hope tomorow I will also have such a good day, or mabye a better

Wojtek Brzozowski POL-10

Beginning of the day was bit sleepy. Thick fog didn’t promise a good wind. But Lake Garda didn’t failed also today. At 1.30 p.m we were already doing the first race with 10 to 12 knots. Although I don’t like this conditions so much, after tough fight I managed to cross the line first. Second race to my surprise although in stronger wind gave me a harder time. Arnon and Micah bit me by 10 meters. I got so motivated for the third one, that I didn’t see that I got 4 minutes countdown on 5 minute signal. I started brilliantly and I was really shocked that most of the guys are not going. I had a little doubt but when I saw Steve Allen and few other good guys with I was sure that we are right. After completing two laps I found myself on the OCS board I and just couldn’t believe it. I went to talk to Claudio, race director, and he said that we were one minute over the line. Shit happens! I promised myself no more mistakes today. Starting line in the last race I took from the port tack side and it paid off really well. Although my heart beat got 220 again when crossing starboard guys. Upwind mark I got just after Andrea Cucchi but on downwind leg I got perfect gusts and by downwind mark I was already leading. Lucky shifts on upwind and next downwind on forjibes down with the huge gust and I clear through the finish line with two reaches lead. I’m very happy but extremely tired. One day to go. one.