Everybody knows guys always make jokes about women starts. But suprise, today it was the other way. Almost all of the top dogs where sitting on the beach while the start boat begun the starting procedure for the last race today, number 8th. As women usually start in front of the men fleet, many of them thought our start was first again and ignored the fact they were racing back-to-back. But women have already done all four races, while men suffered from few generall recalls earlier during the day. So as you can imagine this last race was a “race of life” for majority of top 20. There were many stories going on after everyone came back ashore. The women fleet had a

major shift today with Christine Becker and Geraldine Jambert moving higher to the top. I have to say it feels very comfortable to seat up on front of the pack watching this fight with a bit of a distance. And the fight was amazing! In the third race today I was flying on my KPro 9.8, while Verena, Geraldine and Christine were smoking hot still on their biggest 11.0s! It must have been up to 18knots out there. All the adrenaline rush turned girls into power mashines!



Women Cup Malcesine results after 8 races

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