Wojtek Brzozowski POL-10

First race of today got me a little bit more nervous, because the wind was light and I don’t feel so comfortable in this conditions. For the first time in this regatta I sailed on my new Neiplryde 12,5 sail and it turned out also very fast and finally I finished first.
Following races brought much stronger conditions. Only occasionally I felt little bit underpowered on my 11,0. With the speed I have on new equipment (Starboard 147, Neilpryde RS 3 11,0 and new Deboichet fin) I scored three straight bullets in the day. Unfortunately for the last race of the day I left the beach while the starting green flag on the boat went up. I couldn’t believe myself that I can be so late. I decided to fight to the last meter and sweating like a pig and squeezing every km/h from my board I managed to close the finish line on 8th position. Although the result was not the best I felt happy that I gave everything I got.

Steve Allen AUS-0
I am sorry that I can’t remember too much from each race today with out the results in front of me, but Wojtek sailed an excellent first 3 races again to get 3 firsts although getting a little lucky with one big wind shift on the 2nd lap of the 3rd race to catch Gozalo ARG-3 who had a huge lead. I had two 3rd places in the first 2 races making some small mistakes but also not quite matching Wojtek’s speed. Then in the 3rd race almost everything that could go wrong went wrong for me despite having a great start, I was caught a couple of times in the holes on the inside on the first lap and then I made a good come back on the down wind just to have my harness hook slip on the next upwind mark causing me to loose my sail loosing back my positions gained to finish a disapointing 8th in this race.

Then in the last race of the day I sailed perfectly and won this race, although it was a little hollow victory as many of the top guys were late for the start including Wojtek, but I guess this is also part of racing well is to know when is the next start. Although Brian DEN-173 and Pieter Bell NED-0 on Fanatic sailed an excellent race also getting some very good shifts to come back from a late start to finish in 2nd and 3rd.

Michal Polanowski, POL-16

I was a little bit unlucky but I have good speed with my new board 147 and NP sails . Event here in Malcesine is very good. We heve perfect conditions and great fun.

Jesper Vesterstrom, DEN 111

Today we again had great conditions for racing. The wind started light and accelated really quick.

For me half of the day was on the beach. I CRASHED with a guy on the downwind, destroyed my board and not to mention my right leg on which I cannot stand on at the moment. I am limbimg like and old lady. I?hope I get ready for tomorrow.

Bian Rogild DEN-173

Shifty is the word for the day the wind was quite good but direktion changed a lot I had some good shifts and is happy for the day. Wojtek is just killing us fast and much better starts then normal 8 races so far is good here close racing it is all guys are fast and the weather is nice and sunny for me a nice day

Patrice Belbeoc’h FRA-81

Malsecine has offer some really good condition for fw. So far Ii am really glad with my result, proving to every one that my equipment ( Exocet/Aerotech) is doing really good. So far the race crew has been doing a great job with some interesting format, Tomorrow will decide for the top 10 racers has far has the race goes

All the best

Devon Boulon ISV- 1

We had another good day of racing here on lake garda. the wind continued to be strong very shifty. which really showed the tactical skill of the racers along with a little luck. overall i enjoyed myself again. I hope for similar conditions tomorrow.

Verena Fauster, ITA-31

Nice day, also if I did not so good races. tomorrow is an other day for doing better. After this 4 races I’m so tired, that I’m not able to write more. by!

Adriaan van Rijsselberge NED-2
It was a good racing day the wind was blowing good. All the boys wher flying. I was not ,… maybe later.
See you later.

Andrej Kocjan SLO-1
It was a hard 2nd day, because we did 4 races with changing sails, so it wasn’t easy. Until now we had good weather and perfect wind, much better than it was in Porto Santo.

Christine Becker GER-215

Another great day of racing. great competition and afterwards good pasta… I needed it since the 11 sail was quite big during the last races.

Andy Abendroth GER-66

Nice Place, sunny weather, best wind and good competition. Hea other Germans you missing a lot!!

Sarah Hebert NC-6

IT was a nice day for me , I’VE MADE GOOD START and I was often in front of Dorota on the upwind!!! I’m really happy to be on such a nice spot with so many beautifull people!!!

Pieter Bijl DEN-0
The wind started at around 12.30 with a light breeze any way we got sent out to the start boat. After 2 attempts we finally got a start done the wind was a steady 8 to 12 knots by than. The races we had where spectacular, lots of crashes on the start line and any where else in the course. For the second race the wind picket up to a 10 to 16 knots but really gusty and shifty. So the results where really mixed up. Again we managed to do 4 races with good wind and exiting races.