We started out early in the morning to make sure that we use the stronger morning wind, before it drops. The funny thing about Lake Garda is, that the wind comes from one direction in the morning and shifts 180 degrees at midday.

The plans for the day were to trim and tune the sails. We grouped up two and two for training and went on the water coached by Nikolaj Kruppa and Brian Rogild. They where quite busy keeping an eye on 24 girls! It is the first time that we have been sailing with so many girls. It is amazing to experience, and we hope that more girls would start competing. For sure it is a lot more fun than being only five females on the water, which we are use to in Denmark.

Unfortunately the wind didn’t kick in in the afternoon, so we had plenty of time to practice pumping technique and chatting on the beach. And there is a lot to chat about, cause we are participating from 9 different countries.

After at good day on water, and with good Italian food in the stomach, all we need now is sleep!


Katrine Kay DEN-222 and Josefine Eiby DEN-225.