Dear Competitors,

We hope that you had a good trip home or to your next spot!

In Porto Santo, the Overpower Club put a lot of efforts into the search for a good team of Judges, Race Officials and Sponsors and to achieve the best contest and lodgement conditions. We wanted everybody to feel at home.

Your participation in the opening event of the Windsurfing Euro-Cup 2003 was very important for us and brings to all good vibrations. We want to improve our mistakes in the next year, so we appreciate to get your feed back about this event.

Now, the Windsurfing Euro-Cup goes to Italy, to Lake Garda, visiting Portugal, Cascais, from 5th to 8th June, where Overpower Club wishes to repeat the success of 2002, so we want to invite you to be present in this big event.

This week the NoR of Cascais will be available at . We’ll have, like in 2002, lodgements at special prizes to the competitors and accomplishments and free transfers: Airport – Cascais – Airport, since you tell us in anticipation your flight details.

We’re available to more information’s on the mobile: 351 919 583 043 and on the e-mail:

We hope to see you soon!!!

Good winds and good waves,

Isabel and José Guimaraes

From Overpower Club – Portugal