…packing time


It was a great event but finally the Windsurfing Euro-Cup Porto Santo/Madeira (Portugal) is over. We have been waiting the whole morning and the race committee set the course up but the wind didn’t get strong enough.

13:45 Windspeed still below the limit …Last possible start :17:00 local time…

12:00 We are still waiting for the wind…

10:30 The wind seems to get more consistent now. The race committee is starting to set up the course. Official comment from the crew: “Doesn’t look bad!!!”

10:00 Sunny morning in Porto Santo. The wind forecast is not prommising 6 -7 knots but we see that at the moment wind seams to be stronger. The Race Committee went on the water so we will know soon if it will be any action on the water today. Stay tuned…