NSW State Formula Tiltes 11-12.01

50 competitors lined up today for the annual Formula State Titles for one of Austrailia’s most active windsurfing States, New South Wales (NSW). Current Australian Champion Mike Nelson and Sydney hotshot Sam Parker where heading up the contingent of the local boys. Phil McGain who currently resides in Maui showed up for the first time to race in home waters after a 15 year absence. Phil who happened to be holidaying in Australia at the same time decided to bring his kit along and compete in the East Coast Triple crown Formula events.

5 races were completed on day 1 in a stiff southeasterly breeze, with McGain winning all 5, Sam Parker having a great day holds onto second place while Mike Nelson sails into third.

Once again perfect Formula Condition prevailed for the second day of competition on Lake Macquaire hosted by the Belmont 16ft skiff sailing Club.

Early morning saw some 30 knot puff’s come through the course, but right before the first start the winds backed off to almost nothing and the first race was delayed slightly for the wind to fill in. Most sailors were caught under powered, including McGain, but it was Steven Floyd who caught the golden shift up the first weather leg to leave the fleet far behind. Mike Neilson was in touch back in second while McGain finally rounded the weather Mark just behind Brett Morris back in 5th place. Mike Neilson picked up Floyd on the last downwind to take the win, while Floyd finished a close second, with McGain back in 3rd.

By mid day the wind has picked up again to a steady 10-18 knots. Race 7, 8 and 9 saw McGain back to his earlier domination scoring 3 bullets to take a comfortable victory in the regatta on 5.25 points. Sam Parker also turned it on in the final 3 races, to finish on 16 points, just in front of Mike Nelson from the Lake Illawarra Club. Brett Morris finished in 4th and young Sean O’brien from Queensland sailed consistently to round out the top 5.

A great 2 day regatta with solid winds and very good organization.

For more information go to www.windsurfingnsw.com

Sail Melbourne International Regatta 15-17.01

Melbourne Australia is the location for the second event on the east coast triple crown for Formula. The famous Sail Melbourne regatta, which runs all the Olympic Classes over a 3 week period is hosting the Formula regatta this year at the Elwood Sailing Club.

Predicted winds picked up to 10-20 knots for the two morning races. McGain who recently took the NSW State Titles made it known from the very beginning that he would be the one to beat. Scoring two comfortable bullets in the first two races, put McGain in a commanding position. Sam Parker and Mike Nelson were fighting it out for second and third.

In the afternoon the winds picked up to 15-25 knots and the short chop on Port Philip Bay started to show it’s ugly head. Most sailors switched down to there smallest sails for the two races. McGain once again showed why he one of the World’s premier races dominated the two races in the challenging conditions. This time the minor placings were mixed up as sailors got tired. Dave Moorehead from Tasmania turned it up a notch and scored a second in the final race of the day, while Sam Parker and Mike Nelson hung on to remain in the top 3.

After 4 races the top 4 round out with:

Phil McGain

Mike Nelson

Sam Parker

Dave Moorehead

Dave Holt.

Day 2- One Race and one big victory for Young Cameron Harrison.

Today’s only race at the Sail Melbourne Formula regatta saw former Mistral sailor Cameron Harrison take an easy victory in the marginal conditions. Predicted winds didn’t eventuate, so it was time to break out the big sails and do some pumping.

The first start was abandoned due to light winds, but the second start although lighter than the first was kept in play with the lightweight Harrison making a great start and heading to the weather mark all alone. Mike Neilson got away clean also as did Sam Parker and Sean O’brien. McGain however decided to hang around the starting line to wait for the abandoned flag, soon realized they were serious and eventually got moving.

Harrison lead from start to finish, with Neilson close behind in 2nd , McGain rounded out the top 3 after pumping his way back into the race.

On the final day of the Sail Melbourne Formula regatta The Team’s Phil McGain dominated racing in the light sea breezes.

The sea breeze final came in strong enough around 1pm to get the first race of the day off. Most sailors were on their large sails again, as it was only about 6-10 knots, but very consistent. Once again the starting line was short and not square, which made it extremely hard to get off the line clean on starboard. McGain decided to challenge himself and started on Port tack, which meant he split with the fleet and headed out to sea on the first upwind. Mike Nelson and Sam Parker proved again to be consistent both with great starts at the pin end of the line, headed into shore for the lift on Port tack. When the top sailors finally crossed it was McGain in front and in command for the downwind gate leg. Nelson rounded second with Parker close behind. These two sailors fought it out the whole race with Nelson just finishing in front of Parker, but it was McGain who now had a considerable lead over the fleet into the finish line off the beach. Nelson finished second and Parker in third. Dave Holt from New Zealand fought hard to finished in 4th place.

Race two saw much the same wind, but the adjustment to the starting line saw all sailors start on starboard tack and head into shore. McGain got a flying start at the pin end and was clearly in front by the time he tacked inshore and headed out to the first mark. This time Parker round second to McGain and Nelson in touch back in third.

McGain lengthened his lead by the bottom mark while Parker and Nelson continued to match race around the course. McGain finished a clear first with Parker taking down Nelson this time around.

Top 10 Overall results after 7 races.

1st- Phil McGain, 3.5 points.

2nd- Mike Nelson, 11 points.

3rd- Sam Parker, 14 points.

4th- Dave Holt, 22 points.

5th- Dave Moorehead, 23 points.

6th- Sean O’brien, 25 points.

7th- Steve Charles, 34 points.

8th- Rick Murray, 36 points.

9th- Cam Harrison, 36.7 points.

10th- Chris Ting, 39 points.

Anna Davis another was the only women competitor at the event who finished a creditable 22nd overall.

For more information go to www.windsurfingnsw.com