

E-mails from Matthias:


AP over A. No more racing today. Please keep your fingers crossed for tomorrow…


The wind is hanging around between 4 and 8 knots. At the beach it feels quite strong but on the water there is nothing. We are waiting…


While the course is set up and the competitors are going on the water the wind gradually slowed down more and more.

Now AP is raised at the beach and we are on standby


We are switching over to FormulaWindsurfing again!

The boats are already on the water to set up a course. The first possible start is at 11:00. So stay online!


This morning we have nice sunshine with only a few light clouds at the sky. Although the forecast didn’t look that promising we still have this northern breeze. At the moment the wind is blowing with 10 to 13 knots almost onshore on the beach. The race committee has decided to run Freestyle in the morning to try to achieve also a result in this discipline. If the conditions are not suitable for Freestyle anymore or the elimination is finished we will switch over for FormulaWindsurfing again. So let’s hope that we get some more exciting races in the afternoon….