Entry List – FW

Results Race#1

Results Race#2

Results Race#3

Results after four races : men | women


…inscription day



…race #1

…more racing

SMS-es and e-mails from Matthias


„AP“ over „A“. No more Racing today!

The first day of the combined IFCA Worlds & EC Westende Belgium is finished. We had four great FW races for each mens and womens fleet giving us not only a valid result for the EC and the IFCA Championship but also the first discard which gives every competitor the chance to discard his worst result. We are now waiting for the result list after the first day…


Race #4:


MEN: 1.AUS-0 ,2.ARG-3 ,3.POL-127 ,4.NED-1111 ,5.NED-72

WOMEN: 1.NED -166, 2.GBR-93, 3.GBR-95

First lap:AUS-0,ARG-3 ,FRA-83 ,NED-1111 ,DEN-173

OSC in Race#4:

First start:FRA-717,ESP-4,NED-34,GBR-5,POL-124,NED-97,GER-127,POL-16

Second start:ISR-1,NED-332,POL-2,NED-338


The wind is slowly going down. At the moment we have about 10 knots. The next (last) race has been started. The women start was ok. The mens fleet had again a general recall.


Next race will be started at 17:30


After three races we have a valid result not only for the EC (there is only one race necessary) but also for the IFCA Championship. The results are necessary for a valid result here. The Race director will now try to run a fourth race to get a discard. The sun is now coming out . Everybody is happy…



Race #3

MEN:POL-10 ,DEN-173 ,ISR-1 ,FRA-72 ,NED-57

WOMEN:GBR-95 ,GBR-93 ,NED-166


OCS in Race#3 DEN-124, AUS-0 !!!


Race #3

Women are already in sequence again. Men will follow.


Race #2

Men: 1.NED-57,2. AUS-0,3. ISR-1

Women: 1. GBR-95,2. GBR-93 . The rest is still racing…


OCS-Race#2 First start:ESP-24,ESP-4,ARG-3,FRA-53

Second start: POL-16

The fleet is now on the course


General recall for the mens fleet. The girls start was ok.

15:12The girls have started already. The men are in sequence and will accelerate in a few moments…


The competitors are called out again. The next start is scheduled for 15:00. conditions are still perfect.

The wind is between 11 and 16 knots.



Men: 1. POL-10 Wojtek Brzozowski, AUS-0 Steve Allen, DEN-173 Brian Rogild

Women: 1.GBR-95 Lucy Horwood,2. NED-166 Cindy Koopman, 3.GBR-93 Christine Johnston


Start for the men’s fleet. Two OSC. One from Poland one from Netherlands. I don’t have the numbers yet


The women have started. The wind is good. But caused by the waves close to the beach the course has to be set out far from the beach. SO it will be difficult to have results during the race. I will try my very best to keep you updated.


At 13:00 we had the Skippersmeeting. A meteo specialist gave an instruction about the weather situation and the special conditions at the North Sea coast. Everebody is now prepare for the first start at 14:00


The inscriptions are still runing. The conditions on the water are looking great! 18 knots onshore. The race director is going for 4 FW races today to secure the Championship and to ensure a discard.

First possible start 14:00

… stay tuned.