Although things were looking promising for the thermal wind to kick in today it just didn’t materialise. At around 2pm a line of wind appeared at the top of the lake and everyone though this was the strong thermal wind that had been forecast, but when it reached us we realised it was only 5 or 6 knots in strength and no where near enough to go racing. 

Competitors spent their day on the beach tuning their equipment, making repairs, chatting, playing cards or on the internet station. At 12 noon there was a freestyle clinic where you could learn from the experts the theory and technique for some hot freestyles moves. The presence of top Swiss PWA freestyle windsurfer Karin Jaggi has caused some excitement in the press. At one stage she had her wetsuit on and her kit ready to go and it looked like we were going to see some no wind freestyle action, but alas it was all a set up for a photo shoot! Hopefully on Sunday for the invitation Freestyle event there will be enough wind to see some freestyle action here.

Competitors had the chance to let off all that pent up energy from another day sat on the beach at the party lake side in the evening, and the dancing and the music boomed on into the wee small hours.

This morning there is not a breath of wind, but this could be better for the thermal wind since it has nothing to fight against. We are praying and have all our fingers crossed!

Christine Johnston (GBR 93)